Hot Rod Tank

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Tracked vehicle sporting 1960's-era Cadillac-inspired fins, a flame paintjob, blower and tall pipes on the powerplant, and finished with a turret.
If its all-terrain racing power can't blow away the competition the cannon can. A totally unique cardmodel that has a need to be seen.

This DIY cardmodel has fully illustrated color instructions and the parts sheet to build this tracked custom show tank. Finishes 17cm(7inches) total length, main body is 11cm(5inches) long, 11cm(4.5inches) wide.

Print on cardstock and get tools out, this is constructive entertainment. This cardmodel is reasonably simple to build, making it should not be intimidating.

The ZIP file containing the ready-to-print PDF file is awaiting your purchase.

I rank this cardmodel Level-3: ~EXPERT~ moderately complex parts that are complicated to build.